Tag: living

  • Living Words

    Living Words

    You have probably heard a lot of mention of the power of prayer, especially about calling on the name of god or the moshiach or messiah to use the Latin, and if you read carefully there is also mention of an idea of the prayers of the foolish failing to be heard. Foolish in Hebrew…

  • Experience of a Living World

    Experience of a Living World

    Let’s take this to a more practical level. Why do you do anything for anyone else? Why does anyone do anything for you? Do they have to do anything? Do you? To be human and have a connection? To be human is to accept your inheritance, to accept the legacy of experience that was handed…

  • Connecting to the Living Intelligence

    Connecting to the Living Intelligence

    If I procrastinate on tackling a problem and it just resolves itself, I feel guilty. You are Apollo. Apollo had his shortcomings as well as his strengths. One shortcoming was exploited by Hermes. He had his chariot stolen right out from under him. Though I’d have trouble getting up early in the morning to drag that…

  • Real Living Life

    Real Living Life

    So how are we to understand things? Can we comprehend anything by being taught to comprehend? Can you understand something in the way I understand it? Can you … can you trip like I do? Can you … can you trip like me? Do you see what I see? You learn about your world by your…