Tag: model

  • Minor Arcana Model of the World

    Minor Arcana Model of the World

    I have a question for you, do we do anything not reflected in the tarot four minor arcana suits (Swords and Staves, Pentacles and Cups)? Each of these suits is reflected by aspects of the human mind, and all suits are reflected to perhaps different degrees in all people, perhaps at different times. The minor…

  • Problem Solving Model

    Problem Solving Model

    Anyone remember a recent bout of anger? Care to share? Anybody and everybody who wants to. I work for an organization that answers to the government. Policies changed over the summer and some of our account holders had to change the way they do things. They didn’t believe us staff when we said, so they…

  • First Model of Network Cosmology

    First Model of Network Cosmology

    Maybe I need to get “out there” first before I can bring it down to the concrete level. Network cosmology. The world tree is humanities “first” model of network cosmology. The central trunk would represent the common axis of time. The branches and roots would represent two different but connected planes of space traditionally referred…

  • Model of Tao

    Model of Tao

    Today we are talking about Taoism and biology, perhaps more specifically the Tao of biology. The idea that time had a beginning and moves in a linear fashion gives rise to a notion that life actually follows rules or heuristics of some sort. In your experience is this at all true, really? It seems more…