Tag: nightmare

  • What is a Nightmare?

    What is a Nightmare?

    Let’s start with a question which is very often a good start. What is a nightmare? A bad dream. Frightening imagination. Any fearful situation. All true. In fact, how do we tell when we are dreaming? Sometimes the boundaries of dream and awake are not easy to see. Interesting and true. The defined boundaries are…

  • Nightmare Characters

    Nightmare Characters

    Notice how time works in your dreams? Almost non existent. Because it’s non-existent, as we define it, even while we are awake. We think we have a dream at the end of the day while we sleep, but even viewed in waking world terms, that part of your brain that dreams still dreams while we…

  • Nightmare Awareness

    Nightmare Awareness

    Just as your body is an ecosystem, so is your mind, and besides impressions made on you by other organisms, you actually have semi-independent intelligences showing up in your dreaming experience as well. We aren’t as holistic as people convince themselves they are. Various regions of your own nervous system still center themselves and organize…