Tag: pleasure

  • Embrace Pleasure and Pain

    Embrace Pleasure and Pain

    Some would embrace their dreams, deny their nightmares, and say that they know what it is to dream. They will indulge in pleasure and shun pain, and say they know what it is to feel. But when confronted with the reflection of what they seek, its mirror image, they ask, “Why do I experience this?”…

  • Pleasure At Being Alive

    Pleasure At Being Alive

    Pleasure at being alive. What is that like? Anyone want to share? Calm. Open. Balance. Peace, security. Excellent. I have envied these things. I did for a very long time. Anything else? A feeling that everything is right in the world at that moment. That there is nothing to fear. Freedom. Wonderful. I see all…

  • Pleasure and Pain

    Pleasure and Pain

    So, beliefs… Why do we form beliefs? Why do we seem to need them so badly? Meaning.  To provide coherence among disparate circumstances? It seems they are a constant source of strife. A sense of context. Our brains and minds are dependant on inference. They are also a source of group identity, pair bonding, child…

  • Pleasure Denied

    Pleasure Denied

    If I just followed my pleasure drive, I would play games all day and get nothing done. Nope. You would get hungry, and you would get tired, and you would get bored. You would get curious and your mind would wander, but you do have a very valid point. Why does any single pleasure have…

  • Pain and Pleasure Blurred

    Pain and Pleasure Blurred

    So desire and distress, are these things unrelated? Separate issues? They can be related if you don’t get what you most desire. Possibly all distress is a struggle with desire? We desire something to be a different way so we’re distressed when it’s not. It’s argued by neuroscientists and mental health professionals that desire is…