Tag: resonance

  • Resonance with Crystal

    Resonance with Crystal

    Like meeting a new person, you may not be resonant with a specific type of crystal. For myself, I tend to connect more with crystals that have base element inclusions, iron, etc. Those things that are more on the “decayed” side of the elemental chart, but others would perhaps vibe with more “refined” or “energetic”…

  • Resonance With Arcana

    Resonance With Arcana

    Anyone care to share what tradition or traditions they may be affiliated with? I’m not really affiliated with any, but I like the traditional Tarot. The tarot have their origin in the mysteries of Egyptian ma’at originally. The fools journey of the major arcana was their initiation process. I am Wiccan. I also read Tarot.…

  • It’s About Resonance

    It’s About Resonance

    Computers and technology somehow make us more positively charged? They do yes, and this is why people like me have such an affinity for electronics and electronic voice phenomenon. This is also why a Faraday cage can cause panic in neurotypical people. Do you have a pet electric eel? No, but I used to frustrate…