Tag: sensitivity

  • Energy Sensitivity

    Energy Sensitivity

    I am discussing psychic vampirism. I discuss a broad range of subjects and hit just about everything. It isn’t an endorsement or criticism of any practice or phenomenon. Have you noticed that not everyone seems to have a normal energy cycle? They sleep irregularly and are sometimes energized when they should be fatigued? Energetically, we…

  • Paranormal Sensitivity

    Paranormal Sensitivity

    The topic is paranormal places, but I am not going to talk about haunted houses and alien landing sites, not directly at least. Instead, I intend to talk on the general paranormal character of the planet itself. Some of the details and nuances of that. A lot of this links into human consciousness. That being…

  • Psychic Sensitivity

    Psychic Sensitivity

    We perceive (if only on a subconscious level) the thought bodies or psychic presences of other human beings in our environment. This is why we feel it when we are being stared at or can feel like a room is loud when occupied by a group of people who are all being quiet. We have…

  • Sensitivity to Others

    Sensitivity to Others

    We are going to talk about rejection. There is a lot of popular thought that would play rejection off as having no real meaning or consequence, but both personal experience and recent scientific research suggests otherwise. To get to the point, our body-mind, such as it is, has evolved to include in its sense of…