World In Stillness
We all are familiar with at least some stories of famous mystics, shamans, sages, of one form or another. At the very least, we have all heard some fairy tales. They are marked by something other than their great spiritual power. As amazing as they were, they were equally mysterious. They were mysterious because unlike…
Dance Of Stillness
What does it mean if you have trouble sitting perfectly still? If you have to fidget and keep your hands busy? You have trouble sitting perfectly still, because you are trying to sit perfectly still. It’s like trying to stand unmoved with waves washing over you. You deny your connection to the world with an…
What Is Stillness?
There is a passage from the Bible. The words of Jesus to his apostles when they were aboard a boat on the storm tossed sea. All of the apostles were trying to figure out what they should do. Each having a different notion of what was wise or if they could do anything at all.…
Witness In Stillness
In stillness, the blind find their way. In stillness, the deaf come to know the world. What if changes of mind are no different? If changes of mind are no different, does your insistence on any one way of being make sense? How does anything make sense? “Sense” is a narrow way of thinking. Or…