Tag: sword

  • Path Of The Flaming Sword

    Path Of The Flaming Sword

    An apple seen by a person where no apples grow is a strange and perhaps amazing thing. An apple seen by an apple orchardist is meaningful, but by no means overwhelming. A metaphor comes to mind. The trees of the garden of Eden, but imagine them very far from each other and no longer in…

  • Wonder’s Companion Sword

    Wonder’s Companion Sword

    I will draw from Miyamoto Musashi’s work for a bit here. The Book of Five Rings. The Book of Five Rings is about swords and the use of the sword, and it is also about life and the use of the soul. Specifically, the use we call wonder. Wonder is the sword. It can take…

  • Metaphor of the Sword

    Metaphor of the Sword

    Last we spoke of wyrd. The next system is wuxing. Buddhism originated in India. Wuxing originated in China, and wyrd originated in Europe. The reason I say this is this forms a map of the Buddha nature these things occur in. They are all human. They all arise from the same mind and for the…