Tag: trying

  • Trying Resolution

    Trying Resolution

    What would happen if you “imagined” you were happy? If you didn’t try to make yourself happy with your thinking? You just imagined you were happy? Do happy people say “I can’t deal with this?” Change what you imagine and can you keep behaving as you did? If you imagine you can quit smoking, really…

  • Conditioned Trying

    Conditioned Trying

    Trying and focusing are two different things? Yes they are. Your mind focuses all on its own. Sort of a need to know where you are, and what you are doing. “There is do and do not, there is no try”’? Yes, but the ‘do’ or ‘do not do’ element isn’t a moralistic judgment. When…

  • Not Trying

    Not Trying

    There is the doing aspect, being in the moment, but what of planning the events and adapting to situations where it arises? That’s its own doing, and your quality of thinking will be much better if you allow your mind events to process as they inevitably will. This will reduce a lot of the clouding…

  • Trying to Orient

    Trying to Orient

    I have to apologize. This has been a tough topic for me. I feel like people are islands, because they choose to be. They devise all sorts of complicated strategies for understanding each other, the social world, all sorts of ideals and rules, and no one plays by the same rules really. Those that are…