Category: Guest Articles

The Act of Meaning by Lauren Bailey


Communication is easily distilled or reduced down to an informative event, where the truth or falsity of a given statement is verified or contested by the recipient of the communication. And while communication certainly is an event that may or may not transmit a kind of block of information to an audience, anyone who has ever spoken, written, drawn, painted, sculpted, danced, motioned, gestured, or participated in any number of other kinds of communicative event knows that communication, no matter the medium, is an intentional act — something willed and creative that asks for reciprocity.

Given the reciprocal nature of communication, it seems that communicative meaning is not as straightforward as it seems. The fundamental question is: What do we mean when we communicate? For it is obvious that flowing beneath the denotative purposes of communication there is a current of connotation and even spirituality.

Whether you subscribe to the views and values of the Bible or not, it is profound to think that God spoke the world into existence. He did not fashion it out of an assortment of cosmic materials, he engendered the world by speaking — communication was both precursor to and vehicle for action. And so it is with our communication.

When we communicate, we are projecting active energy out into the universe. It is a call for action, an assertion of creative force, whether for negative or positive, and is always reciprocated, whether we are aware of it or not.

Take any mundane phrase (to stick with the spoken word, since it is the most common, and can be the most powerful), for example. When you ask someone, even if in passing, how they are, you aren’t only asking for a report of their well-being, and often times, you aren’t truly even seeking that. What you are projecting, just in that simple greeting, is an act of good-will and connection. The words are far less important than the act itself; the fact that there is a multiplicity of languages confirms this.

Another example that perfectly illustrates the point is irony. Irony is interesting because it allows people to say one thing but mean another. How is this possible? Tone and delivery play a role, but it is the intentional act itself that carries the true meaning, the act that will be interpreted and reciprocated.

Communication is a complicated affair, and one that should not be undertaken lightly. Focus on your intentionality when communicating and remember that the act of communication asks for reciprocity from the universe. In this way, you can be more mindful of what you are saying, what you mean when you say it, and what you are asking of the universe.

Lauren Bailey
Guest Blogger
Dragon Intuitive

This guest post is contributed by Lauren Bailey, who regularly writes for best online colleges. She welcomes your comments at her email Id: blauren99 @gmail.com.

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