Category: Guest Articles

The Moon Cycle and Emotion by Elaine Hirsch


The phases of the moon and their link to human behavior emotion have been an area of interest for centuries. Because influences on plants and the tides are apparent, it seems logical to some that people may be susceptible to similar effects in correlation to lunar cycles. To date, science has been unable to confirm or disprove any emotional connection to the lunar cycle. Since the data available from multiple studies are contradictory at best, PhD candidates, online pundits, and the general public remain confused about the moon’s influence.

Throughout history, the lunar phases have been blamed for episodes of mental instability, increased violent crime rates, rambunctious behavior in children, unusual emotional shifts in adults, menstrual cycles, and even werewolves. While scientific evidence does support plant and tidal ties to lunar behavior, no such backing exists for the rest of the moon’s alleged power.

Studies have been done reporting a link between violent crime and lunar cycles. These studies upon first glance seem to support the theory that human behavior is affected by lunar cycles. However, when the same data were analyzed by a computerized algorithm measuring all coincidental occurrences during periods of high violent crime rates and moon phases, it was found that the moon did not have a significant role in the rising numbers of crimes.

Factors ranking higher in the comparison that could account for a rise in violent crime included seasons, day of the week, and holidays. Another report directly contradicts this conclusion, showing crime rates, along with psychiatric hospitalizations, do indeed increase in the number of occurrences based upon the cycles of the moon and its varying phases. This pattern of conflicting information within the studies is a recurring theme that leaves no conclusive data in either direction.

Based upon the conflicting studies on moon phases and emotion, it’s best to keep an open mind when deciding what’s factual and what’s flawed. If nothing else, preconditioned psychological responses to the lunar cycles could arise from belief in the existence of such an effect, and really affect someone’s emotional state even if no influence from the moon actually exists. While no scientific evidence can agree upon the existence of the relationship, the effect of the moon upon emotion is one based mainly in the faith that it exists. This indicates behaviors that seem to be influenced by lunar phases dwell in the same place religion finds sanctuary: embedded within the unique individual’s perception of its existence.

As such, the phenomenon remains elusive pending standardized and well-controlled scientific tests to reach more solid conclusions. Moon cycles and emotion are linked conclusively only when the belief the connection exists resides within the individual.

Elaine Hirsch
Guest Blogger
Dragon Intuitive

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