Category: Incantation

The World is Music


The world is music. From the rhythms of messages in our brain, to the patterns of sound and light that play out all around us, the world is structured in such a way that it resembles music. They even put the information pattern of the Higgs boson to music. Not only did it sound like music but it was good music.

Our bodies and minds translate everything we experience into pulsations, rhythms, songs, if of a rather complicated type, and we weave these individual sounds together to create the appearance of a coherent experience. Like all music though, just as there is the original sound, as much depends on the listener as the sound. Some people judge rock and roll as being offensive noise, for others it’s rapturous music.

So, the listener is needed for there to be coherence? The listener is the speaker. It’s listeners or observers, if you will, that resonate with all these sounds, pick them up and repeat them back out into the world.

Music heals, music kills. And indeed, music can have a nocebo as readily as a placebo effect. Nocebo literally means that which kills.

So, our brains can’t really make out the difference between one pattern of stimulation and another on their own. It’s all just information to be recorded on the neural network, or connectome if you prefer. This ambiguity is so much the rule that memories, rather than being preserved and added to, are re-accessed and modified. The original memory is not in your head. Matter is a memory medium, and as material conditions change, our own signal changes. We don’t choose this. Your eyes see what they see and your ears hear what they hear, but your brain is like a sound box echoing any new sound around and distorting it with the traces of what was present from before, and you respond with an action that amounts to the sum of the grand equation playing in your head.

Codes, but it isn’t math. It’s music, organic, each sound interacting with the other. Whether it’s something the eyes see or the body feels, every time a new sensation washes over you the wave of that experience modifies previously remembered experience.

I think of ripples in a pond. That would be an excellent metaphor.

There’s an opera by Meredith Monk and in one part she chooses her travelling companions by the way their songs resonate with what she is singing. Excellent example of this premise as well.

So time doesn’t heal, new experiences wash you? Indeed.

They have done studies on this. In the case that comes to mind it was the September eleventh crisis in the States. They interviewed some people at a university only days after the event that destroyed the World Trade Center, asking them where they were and what their impression of the event was, the memory was still relatively fresh in their mind.

They eventually recalled these young people and again asked them to recount there memories of that time. You would think their memory would be vivid and accurate wouldn’t you?

I would think so, yes. It wasn’t. Their general attitude about the event was still the same of course, but over time their minds had connected the memory to a lot of logical associations that although they made sense were not factually true to the point that they report being in the company of people who weren’t there, or even being in locations that they weren’t at the time. Even stranger, when their original written and sound recorded reports were played back to them, they had a very hard time accepting it. Their mind strained as they firmly believed that they saw people or spoke words that they did not, and everyone else’s memory of you works the same. They don’t remember what you literally did and said, they “remember” what they expect you would have done or said.

I’ve had people tell me I did and said things that I’m sure I didn’t. And odds are you are both mistaken so those arguments are reasonably avoided. They can’t be won short of physical record, but, this is not my point of course. It isn’t about social strain and ‘he said, she said’ games or whatever you would call them, because this disparity happens even without much human contact. It would happen even with no human contact at all. This is why people who experience complete social isolation often go insane.

I’m reminded of the saying ‘The facts, although interesting, are irrelevant.’ It’s true.

An often asked question in media like Facebook is, “What kind of music do you like?” You know what they are looking for. Indeed. They can tell a lot about you from your music preferences. Let’s try that for a moment. I’m a heavy metal fan, old school, not necessarily the newer stuff. What do you feel that says about me?

You are way younger than I, from western culture, intellectual.

Any other impressions?


Need extremes around you.

You see yourself as rebel.

All more or less true.

You like computer games and sci-fi. I do. Does that illustrate the point there well?

In the show Supernatural, they use a lot of old school metal songs. They fit the theme of that series very well.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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