Category: Superstition

A Day Of Beliefs


Your experiences are more or less the same as hypnotic suggestion. Your eyes flash light messages at your brain, and your mind just sort of naturally pattern matches that with one of your internal pictures. It seems pretty seamless.

You are the one who makes the hypnotic suggestion? You do, and other people make suggestions to you. Mirroring is a powerful channel for suggestion, thus the phenomenon people call mass hysteria.

Even if one sees something that others say is not there? Yes. You can experience what someone next to you is not experiencing, even if what you experience proves to be an active agent in the environment and causes a sensory impression in the person who doesn’t see it. Thus, there is such a wide rage of “unexplained” experience. With the right mental shifts, that person could be put into a state where they could perceive that presence.

For me, sensory impressions lead to a broad range of disjointed cognitive artefacts that I had to learn to associate with concepts that other people take for granted. So I also learned to what degree I dictate my own experience. This is possible for everyone.

Recent research on performance and even biographical event reporting have shown that people who have a positive, but otherwise supposedly irrational view of reality, have better luck in finding opportunities and using them. People, who have some behaviour practice that they feel assures them of good luck, perform at above average capacity as they release a lot of the inhibitory processes that normally limit the effort we expend in anything we do.

Like obsessive compulsives (OCDs)? They are actually examples of excessive inhibition. A coping behaviour induced by high stress experience and perhaps a genetic sensitivity to stress. Generally, their compulsions make them feel out of control and powerless.

If they miss that behaviour they feel really out of touch. It is indeed how they orient, but this may be surprising. It’s how you orient also. Any psychotic disorder is what it is only because it limits functional adaptability. The potential for any psychotic behaviour is present in every human mind. So rather than say all of our brains are weak, I prefer to look at how we can use it to our advantage.

So OCD behaviour can be used to an advantage? OCD behaviour is just a lot of energy, and maybe through extensive practice that energy could be redirected. They have to be discharged first, but actually, so do you.

Every day, you don’t live a day full of events. You live a day full of beliefs. When something occurs to you that is beyond belief, you either just ignore it or it causes you a great deal of stress. This is why people formed the old wives tales as they are called. The old archaic superstitions. They were an effort to deal with beyond belief events.

Stress reduction? Stress reduction and an effort to influence causative patterns that they didn’t understand. A lot of the old beliefs, like throwing a pinch of spilt salt over your shoulder, were based on a symbolism that was the only understanding anyone had.

Couldn’t you look at any religious belief in that manner? You can, yes, and it’s why religion serves. It’s why we are inherently religious creatures, even making atheism and scepticism into religions. People get intensely emotional about those two beliefs.

So what I am suggesting is not losing your religion, but choosing it. Otherwise, it will be chosen for you, and likely already has been.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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