Category: Cognitive Bias

A World We Imagine


Today we are talking about virtual interaction theory. We tend to convince ourselves that we interact with an objective world, that we perceive and evaluate people places and things exactly as they are. What do you think? Is this true?

We see through our own lenses, lenses upon lenses, veils behind veils.

We project our emotions onto the world around us.

We are predominately social creatures. Honestly, even those with autism are. There are those now in the scientific community that are even questioning autism as being its own single diagnosis, and it’s as far removed from “social” as science is acknowledging right now.

Even people suffering from things like schizophrenia show signs of social reaction and interaction. In fact, their experiences, perceptions and illusions seem to be socially driven. They are socially hypersensitive.

Yes, and so frustrating it must be for them, too. Apparently, it is largely very depressing. Their emotional range is rather restricted, between emotional burn out, exhaustion and apathy, to paranoia and fear.

Sure, you are inside this thing and somehow you know it.

I think MS does that to people too … removes them from normal interactions intermittently, and then the depression etc.

Well, even as young children, we begin learning not about an objective world, but rather a world that we imagine to exist. In fact, most of our early comprehension is only possible by virtue of our fertile imaginations.

Fed by what? Oh, a good part of our early imagination is fed by our intuition and instincts. What are popularly called cognitive biases in the current scientific community. We don’t have to be taught these dispositions and attitudes or beliefs, they emerge organically, but would it not be fair to say that a large portion of our life experience, if not almost all of it, is shaped by human behaviour? Do we really just react to objective stimuli the moment we perceive it?

Some believe that we do. I offer today that we do not. In fact, even our genetic inheritance tends to pass on more what an experience means for human beings than anything relating to objective concrete stimuli.

Change the frame and you change the perspective.

Genetics/DNA and epigenetics.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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