Category: Awareness

Big World Of Mind


Individual consciousness could also be called meta-cognition. Thinking is like the lungs. You can direct them, and they will work on their own. They can also serve as a vector for the induction of foreign substances. Whether that’s wise or not is another matter, but your thinking is a vector for the introduction of half developed energies. Any stimuli is an energy or you can’t have perceived it at all.

Mental junk is airborne, but it’s avenues are sound and sight, even taste and touch. All of this will go on without us and has nothing to do with our individual awareness. Your enjoyment of chocolate chip cookies will tell you nothing about your own mind, but it can tell you things about your brain. This clarify anything at all?

They used to think the electrical pathways that ran along the surface of the skin had nothing to do with cognition, just part of the galvanic skin response they tap into with a lie detector as well as other scanning equipment. Now without any structural interference, just jamming the electrical activity in the immediate proximity of your head, they can actually compromise your cognitive processes. With devices like the God helmet they can even do that in targeted ways. They are working on therapeutic applications of this principle, but it will be in the works for a while.

If I have my science right, light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum, yes? The visible part I believe you mean? Yes. That’s all I need to make my point, but I do think it would include even the infrared and ultraviolet as well. Light and electricity heat things up really well, but yes, the pattern created by the function of our brains is not incoherent and has a broader range than people currently acknowledge. But they get it backward. It’s not produced by the activity of the brain. It feeds the activity of the brain, and precedes the formation of the brain, for that matter. It guides the entire biological maturation process. The entirety of your organic form is just an appendix to it, and in time gives way to a form of pupation. If this is ever circumvented, then the degree of epigenetic variability in the preserved system would produce catastrophic aberration of the organic component of consciousness. We see it to a lesser degree in the use of psycho pharmaceuticals. The intention is therapeutic. Trying to restore what they think is supposed to be a fixed balance of chemicals, but the reactions of the body after toxify the entire system and alter the brain in undesirable ways.

Drugs cause brain damage? It could be said that way.

Or mind damage? Oh, no such thing as mind damage, but mind stasis on the other hand… Paralysis on that level has it’s own set of consequences much worse than simple organic issues, but perhaps that’s another topic.

We must remove ourselves from our mind and body to better understand them? Brain and body. You are your mind.

I think some people do this intuitively. Like when you are in deep emotional pain, you sometimes disconnect and see things very coolly and rationally. I agree.

To get this, it feels like our whole conditioned thinking process has to be circumvented somehow. It feels like the brain stutters on the idea. Yes, it does. Like a strained muscle spasm when it’s growing, the brain spasms when you try to introduce more psychic energy into it.

Research is showing that much of my personal experience is common in the case of people with my mutation or variations of it. The fear trigger is constantly switched on so fear learning is switched off. Instead, it becomes an obsessive focus on analysis. They caught all this on camera, so to speak, though they are pretty seriously misinterpreting it. Functional magnetic resonance imaging coupled with what they consider to be reliable tests of affective reaction. But what this means in general is this. You don’t need to make any sacrifices, suffer emotional scarring or brain damage. You just have to see the brain for what it is, and what it does for what it is.

So yes, there is a big world of mind available to you friends, if you stop being hung up on your brain and sexual parts.

You say you are intuitive and not analytical, but I think you are extremely analytical. I will offer a resolution to that paradox. The process of rote learning doesn’t play a part in my reasoning. My traditional intelligence quotient isn’t anything impressive, but my spontaneous intelligence is higher, and sudden insights into patterns I experience is quite common which I then ruminate on in my leisure. I have a lot of leisure time mentally. If you apply brain theory, since my mental modules don’t talk to each other as well as they should, they get bored and function on their own, form little pockets of experience like television sets in my head.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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