Category: Liminality

Dynamic and Static


Today, we are talking about liminality. It’s a state of being. At one point in history, it was even ritually established or acknowledged, but we do still experience it today.

We are dynamic creatures, creatures of habit, and we easily fall into routines and repetitive behaviours. Days tend to be “business as usual” more often than not. This is necessary, and interrupting it without reason serves no productive purpose, but even as much as we can set up and experience an ongoing pattern of behaviour, perhaps one that remains consistent for many years, they often in a sense wind down. We experience lulls in the tempo of our life, breaks in our stride. I guess it’s not even really a rare experience. The engine just runs out of gas, and life as we knew it just can’t continue.

These are liminal states, and we are at our heart liminal beings. We have a dynamic element to us, one driven by relatively pure concept, and we also have a static element, one manifested in and preserved by our capacity for memory. And the balance between the two is not often easy, the right hand having no idea what the left hand is doing, as they say.

If our dynamic side is a car, then our static memory based side is a brick wall. That memory can serve as a safeguard against serious disaster in life, but it just as often brings us to a complete and disorienting halt. Stranger still, you would think the dynamic side is where our consciousness would reside, no?

It would seem more interesting for it to dwell there. This is not the case though. Our dynamic side almost always remains unconscious, and our sense of self as well as our perceptions of the world around us are grounded in our memory.

The two sides of ourselves do inevitably and constantly interact though. Let’s take the image of the centaur, like Kyron. We are, or can be, creatures of great wisdom, but Kyron discovered and preserved his wisdom because he lived in a state “removed” from the ordinary world, a sort of ivory tower, hidden garden. There is lots of symbolism for it, yet how often are we socially permitted to enter into a state of being even remotely like these?

It’s considered odd socially. At no time should you fail to affiliate yourself with something; your job, your family, your country, your faith or race. But I ask, where is there room for the self in any of this? Who discovers the self in any of this?

People often complain of losing the self in these things.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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