Category: Adaptation

Humanity Adapts by Adoption


So any questions about adaptation? Any questions about how we might better adapt?

My reason for going around in circles like this was in an effort to lead up to this. Humanity adapts by adoption, and induction, not deduction. Deduction leads to parasitism.

One must recognize the condition they are in, which for humans is a social condition, recognize that general state of their environment, and as it often does, it comes down to attention and perception. Attention is pro-adaptive. Denial is anti-adaptive. How exactly you respond to any condition is less about the condition and more about yourself. If suddenly you find yourself living in water full time, there are multiple possible adaptation. Reality itself is shaped by isomorphisms. The morphogenetic fields themselves are shaped that way, shared truths. Which part of any truth you share is up to you. One truth would be that world powers have become corrupt, or always were, but how useful is that?

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em? And would that lead to your personal well-being?

Another possible truth sample, that can be taken in this case, is that society is governed by human beings, and human beings share human nature in common. This would lead to an ability to anticipate the decision making of people in power, as well as the insight necessary to perhaps influence these people. But we mostly just stop at the truth of governments being corrupt. Why is this?

Because it’s easier. Easier, non-working, work is change. Is there any exception to that?

Perhaps entropy as a metaphor. Entropy sets in when a system loses the potential to do work, to survive, persist, adapt. Entropy could be seen as the same as death, little death or big, does it matter?

Death is adapting isn’t it? No. When your soul says, ok enough? Ah, adaption at that stage is transcended. Information structure is very different on that level.

In one class you talked about the little deaths separating everything. Indeed, they do.

What direction is there without an object of reference? What is down without a planet?

Like flying around at 3000m in Second Life with no objects around. In that case there is still an object. The sim defines the location event if it isn’t visible. But yes, you can’t say you have any idea where you are going in relationship to specific landmarks at that height usually.

Why is it we would want to adapt?

To keep living, not be stagnant.

So we can function.

To have direction?

Our normal mental behavior is to do what in relationship to the world around us?

Stay still? Edit, deduct, deny, focus, which exists as a concept only relative to a process of exclusion. Do these processes alone serve our well-being?

To cut out something from your life that is harmful would be good, like a bad habit. But it usually has to be replaced by something. To see the integrity that introduced that harmful thing into your life in the first place would be good. Just cutting it out is often just a band aid measure, no? Does that not often fail?

If nothing fills that space, you may fall back into it.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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