Category: Jinn

Idea Potential


Shall we look more into what the lore of Jinn might all connect to or mean?

Ever notice parts of your mind seem to have an a lost independent will? Like as much as you might be disgusted by it, you may get ideas of things you would never willingly do, and can’t even imagine wanting to do? This was seen as the behaviour of Jinn. But the Jinn were not all seen as evil or even of the same allegiance or nation.

Everyone familiar with the concept of memetics or thought forms?

Memes? Yes. Ideas that seem to behave independently of the mind that might be seen as their creator. Well, in some schools of thought the idea was not created by the person who seemed to come up with it, but rather noticed, and there are many stories of ideas being spontaneously had by different people around the world at the same time. If you accept the idea that our organic brains can have ideas, or be affected by the forces we call ideas, then what about the forces of nature?

What gives that ideas? The same could be asked of us. To one point of view the whole potential to have ideas must be a world by itself.

Forces of nature are their own ideation? Forces of nature have a similar ability to become aware.

Everything is affected and affects everything else. A simile might be the world wide web or in this instance, the cosmos wide web. The Jinn would be beings that, for lack of a better term, incarnate in the unseen world of the cause and effect web.

That includes particles yet to be discovered by science but already known by sensitives, if that makes any sense. Indeed, it does, and Jinn pass from that existence much as we pass from the material world, though only after a longer period of time.

So the Jinn can pull strings for us? Potentially yes, but some of the Jinn are seen as Shaitan. Adversaries. Some are seen as neutral, and some behave much like guardian angels. Good citizens of the world.

That has to sneak in. The polarities and the neutral or mathematical zero? A trinity, if you will. It is a recurrent pattern in a lot of different belief systems, and the lore of Jinn has been mixed in with the concept of angels and even elementals, so there are a lot of parallels.

Is that contamination or evolving knowledge? I myself would say it is not contamination. I would say it’s evolving knowledge. I suspect even purists have a subconscious impulse to find meaning even in ideas they would otherwise openly reject.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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