Category: Shadow People

Nature Of Shadow People


Why do so many things appear to us in ways we perceive as frightening? Well, two reasons. One is that some of the more “remote” arms of reality can only present themselves to us in a very bad analog of the forms we are familiar with. They can only show a “finger” rather than their total being. It’s an extension of themselves.

Squished into our four dimensions? Yes. We fear what we can’t see or imagine to be there? Like being afraid of the dark? In a sense. The brain is a remarkable sensitive organ and that’s exactly what the brain is. It’s a sense organ, and it has a sensory dominance. It organizes everything into one of the five sensory modes, but when stimulated, the brain will overlay related though not literally true imagery. It will form a “metaphor” that is its best guess for what it’s sensing.

Science has an experiment that can help us when it comes to understanding “shadow people” and related phenomenon. It was the earliest experiment done related to the wave/particle duality paradox. When everything is harmonious in light, we experience light to be (for lack of a better term) constant. It fills space and seems to illuminate everything. But when there is an interruption, we experience dark patches, broken lines in the behaviour of light. Well, all the energy in reality behaves sort of like light, but science will come to understand that light isn’t really the benchmark energy. They won’t find the unified field theory in light. But to stick with the light metaphor, when a “foreign” energy enters our reality it creates that sort of interruption. It seems to disrupt not only our five senses, but even our psychic/neural function and sensitivity, but it’s still “intelligible.” People are afraid of it not because it makes no sense, but because it makes an awful, incredibly clear sense and contradicts our normal sense of reality.

We are afraid, because our mind knows that the “shadow person” is real. If it didn’t trigger that recognition we would just screen it out, and we aren’t taught how to deal with recognition of the unknown, at least not in modern western culture.

As for the failure of shadow people to respond uniformly to traditional coping strategies like religious ceremony, it’s pretty simple. The ceremonies don’t have any meaning in that extended reality. They help us control us, and sometimes they help us communicate across the “veil.” Not all entities are entirely unsympathetic to human feelings. One type of shadow person even has its own name. The Mothman. This is not confined to one entity and there have been reports of multiple beings.

How would a shadow person appear? Would they be just darkness or would you see a figure? If reports are to be believed, they have given a very honest answer to that question. The answer they gave was, “Depends on who’s looking.” Your brains limitations will have a big impact on how detailed you perceive a shadow person to be.

It’s like looking at ink blots and you pick out the shape? Yes, but they can also influence their own interface. They are sensitive to how your brain is reacting to their presence and can “express themselves” differently to resolve a different image, though that’s usually more trouble than it’s worth for them.

Do they make any noise? They can make noise, yes, but it’s generally psychokinetically generated. The impact of their intelligence on their environment creates some physical sensations, a low moaning sound potentially, subtle whispery tones, etc.

I think what I would find frightening is their ability to pop up anywhere without warning. In the way I would feel afraid if someone kicked in my door while I was in my home. They don’t ask if they can come in. Well, here is the funny thing. You are just as scary, really, because they can pop up anywhere for the same reason you could. They even have a name for this phenomenon, bi-location. There is no such thing as space as we understand it, and you could be seeing a shadow person entirely accidentally. They don’t always focus their attention on our dimension. It would be very much like staring very closely at the ground. Doesn’t serve a lot of purpose. They are manifesting more frequently now for the same reason our planet is getting more active in general. The local energy is a bit more dynamic and perhaps unstable depending on how you look at it. So it’s “illuminating” them more.

Sometimes we just “fall down the rabbit hole” and we‘re late for tea? Humanity has a long standing reputation for being late for tea.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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