Category: Resilience

Need To Adapt


I think a person can reach a point where they no longer want to adapt. Want. That is key? Yes, desire. It’s actually the basis of a whole body of tantric traditions.

Perhaps they have the ability to adapt, but not the will. Well, they lose the will because you can cross into the darkness and come to the conclusion that there is no reason to come back.

Is there always a need to adapt? There is indeed always a need to adapt, but what side of the line you settle on can differ (and legitimately) between individuals. For the smaller group who don’t return to a state others would call positive as easily as their peers do, the actual effort can drive them deeper into darkness. It can make them even less balanced and less well equipped to cope.

You can adapt by turning to alcohol as well as to therapy. Actually, alcohol isn’t a legitimate tactic for the simple reason that it throws of your neurological clock. It gives you that balance that would resemble the resilience process but not the orientation. It disorients instead.

That could be the line between effective and destructive ways to adapt? Oh, true, and everyone of both stripes actually tries even without meaning to. Not being in touch with the inner drive to adapt can make our energy instead start going in circles. Form a cancerous knot in your mind that will spread to every other aspect of your mental and spiritual awareness. This does not have to happen. Even the resilient types can sicken themselves with positivity. Actually wind up bleeding their resilience all over their environment. This makes them hideously authoritarian, and then sends them spiralling back into darkness in the extreme stage.

Is this why someone trying to loose weight gets the urge to hit their gym trainers? Indeed. They see their trainer as hostile even though they are at the very worst indifferent, and at the best helpful. People get stuck in delusion easily.

I’m having trouble recovering from the realisation I’m non-resilient. I grew up with loads of things to get over but for years I was considered “too sensitive”. I guess that’s a common way for people to come across when they’re carrying something they can’t drop? This is true.

To speak more to the non-resilient types for a moment, it’s best not to try to recover.

Stop the fighting? Yes. They discovered that with both types of people, efforts to get them to analyze the situation and find what they can supposedly learn from it, tend to actually destabilize the person. It will make them pointlessly anxious, even to the point of pushing them over the edge that they otherwise wouldn’t have crossed.

It does make sense. Telling someone to get over it is really insulting. Indeed. Telling them that is not only insulting, but scientifically unsound as well. It’s just unrealistic. Let’s be honest. Nobody has a genuinely clear perspective on life. There is no one right way of seeing things to get to.

In my old sensitive days, I’d have run a mile from such outlandish behaviour as these colored sunglasses. Myself, I came out of it by actually going very deeply into it. Being autistic, my nervous system is not as sensitive as it’s supposed to be. So I feel things, that would register to other people as emotion, as more of a physical sensation instead. This doesn’t mean it isn’t emotional.

I balanced it with self-harm. For me, nature did that. Eventually, the physical pain of the hormonal reaction actually made me laugh. So now I’m possessed of what some might call a very dark humour that adds some clarity to my life. It’s hard for the majority of people to understand.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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