Other Realities


Our senses have blind spots, but they don’t remain constantly blind. We are the inheritors of every form of physical sensitivity on this planet. If not literally ever sensory organ, every organ that exists has its roots in the same structures that make up our own, and they are not as highly specialized as people think.

Every once in a while for any of a variety of reasons, some of this extra sensitivity kicks in, and we experience what are thought to be hallucinations or sensory phantoms. If they are that and only that, then what stimulus is making them so coherent? Why do they resemble anything at all instead of just being meaningless sensory noise?

Memory? Memory, yes, and memory is a quality of all cells.

The bits you remember get pieced together in what ever way? The way isn’t actually random. They say that we force an order on things that have no order, but I will offer that our minds are not that centered by themselves. They aren’t forcing anything to take any special shape.

Memory is why the body still twitches after being cut off from the brain? The muscles have memory. Yes. Really, every organic structure on the planet has memory, and they took form based on a signal wave.

All of reality is made of “smart” matter, and our universe has a base line signal that is preserved regardless of any other seeming noise. This base line signal dictates the behaviour of all other energy and thus matter in our universe. But that signal is not the only wave of its kind that exists. The universe is holographic, or none of it could exist at all. So although our universal signal shapes the formation of things in our reality, it takes samples of form from every other signal in the multiverse. Though we live in a realm that we can make some loose effort to define the reality of, it carries with it the potential for these other realities to be supported as well.

The interface for these other realities is built right into our own reality. It’s the way our reality takes form. On the microscopic level, it manifest as such strange things as what they call super strings. Incredibly small structures in space time with seemingly impossible dimensions. But these don’t break down as you move up in the physical structure of reality. They also manifest as wormholes and cosmic strings, and on the planet as what they call song, dragon, or ley lines. This circuit like structure runs all through reality. Our nervous system just imitates it with its neural architecture and meridians.

Time space is actually not a constant. Recent research has discovered that light energy is lost over distance. Really long distances, but it is, and it’s lost past what they call the event horizon of a black hole as well. The energy is not actually lost, and ancient mysticism has a lot to say about light. Our energy and matter fluctuate back and forth between universes, unfolding and enfolding past the universal membrane if you will. Strange matter. Anti-matter. They all seem to supposedly disappear for some mysterious reason.

Energy looses momentum like a roller coaster? No energy is destroyed. The law of conservation holds, but our physical laws are not uniquely ours. They cross dimensional boundaries, for lack of a better term. There really aren’t any boundaries.

In Kabballah, they believe that the top layer of reality is where everything originates and that’s pure light. That is an excellent symbolic model, if perhaps kept a bit simplistic.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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