Category: Resolution

Own Imagination


We all know people who plan well. The best planners are very “imaginative” people aren’t they? The poor planners usually can’t describe what they intend to have happen. They cannot visualise the end result.

Some very good planners I know have no imagination, but can focus on an end goal. Ah indeed, and they usually destroy their plan if they try to hold it too rigidly.

Imaginative people I know couldn’t plan there way home as their mind is full of the wonders. Ah, I said good planners are imaginative. I didn’t say all imaginative people are good planners. I’m an imaginative person, but I plan little to not at all. I don’t have the disposition to do so. It isn’t in my make-up. A good planner may state she isn’t imaginative, nor would it be true to say I’m incapable of planning. I often dismiss my ideas to find later the planner is taking them quite seriously. More so than I did even to start.

What this all means is that a new years resolution can work as a vision. What can you imagine for yourself in the new year? Not what do you want. What you want won’t matter. What can you see doing? See having?

What’s the difference between imagining and wanting? We often can imagine horrible things. They call that fear. We don’t want the horrible thing, but it may very likely happen anyway. The fact of the matter is we are all imagining things anyway.

It can be hard to imagine as it’s scary in case it doesn’t happen and will lead to disappointment? In fact, it isn’t hard. It’s rather instinctive. What you experience as disappointment, in not achieving what you imagine, is actually skipping a step.

But isn’t it that sometimes we have to experience the negative to appreciate the positive? A sort of learning? Well, what it is, is that any positive you would want automatically has a negative side. The world comes in whole things, not parts. So you might be imagining the positive thing, and you will create the thing. Positive and negative. We need to own our imagination, like we own our thoughts.

The word we have for it is imagination, but it doesn’t have to be images. We can have random thoughts, but ideas can occur to us by “will” and they can be totally dissonant. Unfounded in our experience. That type of thought isn’t imagination. It is pure cogitation, and our body usually tenses then. If I’m imagining something that my total mind rejects, then I will feel uneasy about it.

Is imagination visual? No. It’s not necessarily visual. Imagination is a process like the learning style. It’s the creative mental process.

Is imaging thought? No.

Is imaging vision? It’s vision of a sort, but not literally vision.

It comes to unbidden? It can come unbidden yes. Often does. It can also be guided like breathing. The mind is a living “breathing” system. It has cycles and is not a closed off space from reality.

Where does it come from? Vision comes from the total psychic/spiritual energy in the environment which includes that in you and in other people. We as receptors receive it and we put it out also, like breathing. As you can move in the air you breath, you can impress energy on your environment.

I used to think imagination was looking at a canvas or piece of paper and seeing or imagining what you are going to create? Yes, in a pattern that emerges from within you.

So, there is lots of energy out there and we receive it, and we “process” the energy according to our mental state? Yes.

But there has to be some reality testing? I knew a guy who thought he was Jesus and he was surprised when I didn’t kneel before him. There does, and psychosis always has distress symptoms. Dissonance. Part of the mind always recognizes the disconnect. If he was really imitating Jesus, Jesus didn’t ask anyone to kneel. He occasionally insisted people not.

A sculptor puts a piece of clay down on a workboard, it’s just a piece of clay. Called “experience” at that stage, but when they look into it they see a form emerging. So they follow that form instinctually and end up with a finished sculpture. They let the universe guide them.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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