Giant Symbolism in Thurisaz
Shall we discuss today’s rune magick topic of Thurisaz? I will go back over the basics. It’s not actually super complicated or anything. Rune magick uses a rune or small group of runes as an attentional focus, and the purpose is to attune oneself to the force of nature/reality represented by the rune in order…
Magical Thinker
Anyone care to share a challenging decision they recently made? What I will share is rather strange, but I think may be illustrative anyway. I personally never face difficult decisions. My own instincts, if you will, are almost strictly autotelic. I am motivated more by innate experience than goals or objectives. I really don’t entertain…
Personal Rules
So how do we discern our rules? Well, strange thing is, you still play by them. You actually can’t stop playing by them. It’s interesting to see the way in which people make decisions inworld (Second Life) in this very freeing place where people can tap into their core being, but where so much social…
Tao of You
So how do we find the middle path? We can find the middle by embracing the heuristic process without cognitive prejudice. It would be like the “Tao” of you. Each person naturally generates these rules of thumb I mentioned earlier, not consciously, but naturally. We get confused when we try to overlay rationalization on top…
Stances for Decision Making
There are two basic stances for decision making most commonly demonstrated. Some have the intuitive element of their decision making masked by what people expect of someone who is successful. Steve Jobs would be a big example. He never denied it, but because of what people expect, people overlooked it. Optimizers with proper temperance are…
Analysis Paralysis
To begin with I will ask, are you all familiar with the phrase “analysis paralysis”? I have a friend who does this all the time. He cannot make a decision! I’d call it a brain cramp or strain when you can’t seem to choose. In my experience, despite contemporary educations focus on conditioning everyone to…
Path of Blood
Some of the Druid winter court did become sort of “shell shocked” if you will. This is why the winter court could also be called the path of blood. This Druid might become so engrossed in the cycle of conflict, life, and death that the wisdom of their judgements might begin to falter, become bloodthirsty…
Druid Winter and Summer Courts
There were generally two schools in Druid thought. The summer court focused on harmony and peace, and the majority of Druids embraced a wisdom that reflected this. This is why Druids came to be known predominantly as peace keepers. The lesser known and less adhered to was the winter court, those who tried to get…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…