First Judges
As followers of the Druids grew in their understanding, they developed special insights into the world and reality in general. Where in the tradition of India, the disciple might manifest one of the siddhis or powers, those gifts that come from deepening intuition and spiritual growth, the students of the Druids would do so likewise,…
Druid Evolution
Druidism was the European outgrowth of the Indo-Aryan migration and evolved independently of its parent culture over time. Whereas those who migrated southeast into India came to establish the Brahminical tradition as well as the gurus and sadhus and what have you, those tribes that headed northwest brought the same traditions but came to understand…
Naturalistic vs Heuristic
Could you explain what you mean by naturalistic and heuristic? A heuristic is a cognitive bias. It’s simply the rule set our brains form without even trying. Each of these “rules” was intuited to be an elemental component of the human soul, and in their default state they were considered to be the reason that…
Gold Standard
Shall we talk about the significance of gold in alchemy? Sidebar first: In Egypt, where alchemy as we know it had its origin, gold was valued less than glass. It’s pretty significant in modern science too. Indeed, it is. The alchemical interest in gold really had nothing to do with making themselves wealthy. For alchemists,…
All is One
Alchemy was dual sided. On the flip side of alchemy with all its concern over material structure and physical evolution and behaviour, you have the concern for a mystery element, one that actually came to the fore more in eastern alchemy than western. Manu. Mind. Prakriti. There are many complex references to the physical behaviour…
First Matter
There is a lot of religious symbolism that came to be admixed with alchemical lore as was perhaps inevitable. Much of Christian Gnosticism is heavy with alchemical symbolism, and with that connection, we move on to the philosopher’s stone itself. It could be created in two forms, a white stone and a red. The white…
Reverse Manifestation
To start with, is anyone already familiar with alchemy? What metaphysics is to physics, alchemy is to chemistry, and as much as they might deny it, there are metaphysical assumptions running just as rampant now as there always have been. They just have a different flavour now. They call it “empirical.” An example of such…
Changing World
People are selfish. They only care about how you can benefit them. If they don’t see any value to them, then they will treat you poorly. This is human nature. This is inhuman discipline, but we can have a humane discipline, a genuinely human discipline. People don’t seem to really know their natures. There is a…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…