Subjective Field
In any given day I mostly experience those entities that could be lumped into the business as usual healthy non distressed category. I encounter my experience of my beloved kitten, and in time I encounter my experience of my wonderful wife, and each day I experience the manifestation of my expected behaviours. Things tend to…
Tangled by Amanda Carlson
Okay, so this is a bit of a weird thing to start out with, but the Disney cartoon Tangled has apparently inspired a lot of abuse survivors. I never really thought about the movie in that way, or maybe I did not allow myself to think of it in that way. I knew that the…
Rituals of Consciousness
You have people and the identities that exist between them which can at least appear to behave independently of the people involved. We mostly don’t even take much conscious notice of those identities or entities that serve us while we go about our normal non distressed life. We may perceive a sense of guidance when…
Disease Entity Spread
Even in those people who are not themselves mentally diseased, the disease entity can leave an energetic of experiential trace. You can bear the “emotional scar” of the disease, and that can serve as a vector for the disease entities spread. I have experienced it in depression, seeing the world through that particular filter. And…
Deranged Entities
There is a third point which I meant to speak of today. In extreme distress, the normative process becomes compromised. The two classes of entity cross pollinate to give rise to beings that show neither general quality clearly, and these remain just as active as the rest entities and the distress entities. Each of the…
Peace and Fear Entities
There is a dependant identity that is created temporarily when people interact? There are even tertiary and semi-independent identities, and on an unconscious level you can detect identities that no single individual lays claim to. Identities that arise because of a collective perception of how even a “fictional” personality would behave, and it also forms…
Suitable Careers for People in Touch with Their Soul by Jenner Rodriguez
Being in touch with one’s soul is a huge achievement. Sometimes, it takes individuals an entire lifetime to figure out how they are going to get in touch with their soul. When you have accomplished this particular feat, what are some careers you could consider? A Religious Life People who know their own souls are…
Stream of Affect
We have a mind. We all believe we do, and we have mental experience. We have perceptions of mentation that we don’t define as the same thing as our mind proper. What is mentation? Thought, perception and emotion. Perception AND emotion? Indeed, because we can perceive our emotional state as a process in itself. Now…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…