Consciousness is the Creative Process
To use a metaphor, the primordial ooze lay dreaming, and in its dreaming its sensitivity, to the same chemical exchanges that still play out in our bodies, gave rise to patterns of recognition. The process by which a chemical is recognized by a receptor… How does that differ from our own recognition of the sight…
Prior Consciousness
A bit of warning in advance, this is the dark metaphysics class, and we explore topics that many people might find uncomfortable. No offence is intended. I feel by discussing darker subjects we can dispel much of the sense of fear and mystery around these issues. That being said, today’s topic is Spirits of Madness… How can…
Nightmares. I think we’ve all been having intense dreams recently. Perhaps due to the environmental balance as of late, the increased energy brought about from an early spring, and the more radical changes going on in our world. The beings that can enter our dreams, there must be some interesting ones. The oneiroi? They stalk dreams?…
Controlled Perceptual Shift
Why is it so hard to change what we pay attention to? Because you perceive identity in your attention pattern. You recognize self not in what you are, but in what you perceive. So any change feels like death of self. Reality is much fuller in dimension and depth than any single track can make…
Informational Flow
Attention is the record player and the needle, and the record itself is the hologram of existence that presents itself to our possible attention, a vast field of information that our attention drags over through the course of our day. Now we do have free will? We are the hand that governs that needle on…
Pattern of Attention
We all assemble a picture of our world by the sweep of our centre of attention across our environment. We’re all socialized (programmed) in much the same way. Well, your organs actually program your brain. The eyes stake out a part of your brain for all their activity, the ears do the same, as does every other…
What is Illusion?
I will begin by asking, what is illusion? It’s used in rituals. Is paradox an example of illusion? Escher’s work, it seems to me, is mostly paradoxical. Oh, indeed. It is a deep, even pivotal element of illusion. Something that appears one way but is another. Escher did a lot of illusion. Stairs going up,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…