Wisdom of Profanity
Some will be profane of something they hold sacred, won’t they? The model is in order. Perhaps a description of the one wise in profanity. Those who have found the wisdom in profanity are the barriers of the dead. This is why so many cultures have viewed those who do that literally as innately profane.…
Healthy Connections by Allison Foster
Why is it so hard to miss someone? I know it seems strange, but I have this issue with feeling close enough to anyone else to admit I really miss them. For some reason it feels like I am admitting that I am attached to them in some unhealthy way. But missing someone is not…
Finding Your Way on the Path
Now where you personally fall between the extremes of the profane and the sacred can only really be discovered through self-reflection. Any extreme will do the same thing to you as it would to anyone else. It’s void for anyone in any direction if taken too far, but if you visualize the sacred and profane…
Congealed Blood
The sacred is the lifeblood of the world. When people of any culture praise whatever vision of divinity they revere, they praise that divinity for the gifts of life itself. “This is my blood… Drink it” would have been enormously offensive to the 1st century Jews because only Jehovah gets to drink blood. Excellent point.…
Either Sacred or Profane
How long can you keep your eyes fixed to your ideals? How rigidly can you hold to your beliefs? Until life gets a little rough. I don’t know. My beliefs are changing all the time. It’s difficult. Often, beliefs are formulated because there is something we feel we should avoid or abstain from. We define…
Gravity of the Profane
Punk rockers look better dark but that’s just my opinion. Ah, favour visual appearance keeping with music style? I think a granny would be well suited to do death metal if she had the stamina for it. Ozzie is a grandpa, I think, and he’s still cool. He is. He has gotten mellower in his…
Universal Recognition
People believe they have to have something to believe in. So how is it we have made so many things to believe in but there is so much overlap? Is any faith on the planet so unique that it has nothing in common with any other? Carl Jung commented on this. He noticed, as do…
Sacred Creation
On sacred creation, light relics… Every time we cast our minds onto the contemplation of the great mysteries, despite all the personal noise that gets mixed up in that, the ideas that do nothing more than satisfy our personal prejudices and preferences, something else always creeps in. As a favourite song of mine puts it,…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…