The Real Tie
Can you be paid in the sacred? If you can own it, can it be sacred? If I gave you a church, would it remain sacred? If I sold you communal wafers and wine, would they remain sacred? Would sold communion materials stay sacred? Anything that can become ours loses its sacredness, doesn’t it seem…
Recognize Common Culture
It has been discovered experimentally that even normal life maintenance will be put aside in extreme cases due to lack of meaningful interaction. The young will begin starving themselves. Mature adults will either refuse to defend themselves or engage in seemingly mindless violence. Why is this? Nothing to stimulate the social animal. We need to…
What is Sacred?
I will start with a question. What is sacred? Burial grounds? Something no one else can question when it’s someone else’s sacred thing. It’s something of high value. Something that is beyond reproach. Something held in awe. Is anything actually sacred? Objectively sacred, I don’t think so. Sacred to one is common to another. It…
Big Change Starts Small
The source that inspired the ancient sages is not gone, but old progress perhaps cannot be retrieved and is perhaps not even necessary to do so. Perhaps just an increased trust in ourselves as meaningful beings capable of perceiving truth in the world, and finding value in experience, would allow us to match and even…
Flow Links Us
Our flow links us. When we are in flow, the events that arise from behaviour that stems from flow are more coherent, more readily recognized by others around us if only on an instinctive level, and they create both a sense of security and vibrant life. Those little elements of our own nature, taken as…
Our Personal Composition
How is it we don’t all change dramatically with every little shift of events? You are given a brush and pallete full of paints and a canvas. Why don’t you just become a painter? We are told we can’t paint or I’ve told myself I can’t paint. Yes. There is outside influence, and there is…
Study Shows Meditation Changes Brain after 8 Weeks by Sarah Clare
Many of us have felt the peace of meditation after just a few minutes of meaningful silence. There are long-term and far-reaching benefits to meditation that we may not realize, too. A new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience shows that just 8 weeks of dedicated meditation training changes the brain—even outside of the…
Morph Perception
I find it’s best to keep to myself when I’m angry, and just write my thoughts down on paper, because all that energy wants to be released in some way. I really need a punching bag. Ah, that brings up the action part of flow as opposed to the state related part. Your state arises…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…