Engagement is Necessary
I have found in the morning, if I eat, brush my teeth, do some squats and yoga, and drink my tea, then my brain wakes up much quicker and my morning goes much better. That brings me to one of the core elements of flow. The first reason flow is such a struggle for people is…
Aspects of Flow
Today, we are talking about flow. What do you think of when you hear the word flow? What does it mean to you on a personal level? Flexibility. Smooth transitions. Anxiety free. Things are moving along well, going with the flow. Adaptability. Direction. Menstruation? These are all personal answers, and what occurs to you personally…
Phagocyte Earth
Now for thin spots and inhuman dark artifacts, unnatural dark artifacts, at least from a particular point of view… There is not one earth present in this time space. There are many, and they don’t line up in a neat chain. They cluster like living cells. There is one such earth that is to our…
Those Using Dark Relics
There is another side to dark relics though it is very rare. There has been little peace between the types of people, and much ignorance has cropped up in place of what was once understood. Light workers do work to cleanse these dark relics, but there are those who can use them as they were…
Human Parallel of Dark Relics
Why do humans get negative? So yes, the human parallel of dark relics is the human attitude that they are entitled to subdue nature. It goes deeper than interpersonal abuse. The history of the world is written in your flesh and blood. DNA. Yes, the pax natura is there written upon the human heart. The…
Natural Dark Relics
Do trees transmute the dark energy? Ah, generally they do, yes. Most of the time, but let’s start with naturally occurring dark relics, then move to human. Landmarks are not a human idea. The contour of the land registers on the consciousness of everything that lives there, and there is a bond or possession, in…
Deconstruct Energy
In contrast to cathedrals, which serve to clear the flow of energy and empower it, there are relics that appear to consume it. Though they don’t really deplete energy, they de-construct it, sort of like a mulch pit. They pull in and trap energies and then bleed them back into the environment. This is the basic mechanic…
Toward A Higher Purpose In Political Campaigns by Jason Miner
A major journalist recently likened a spat between the presidential candidates as reminiscent of two kids fighting in the back seat. A political analyst suggested that campaign hardball is acceptable because cheap shots have been around since the inception of the Republic. Well, back then slavery was accepted and women couldn’t vote. The argument that…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…