Charging Relics
Relics aren’t necessarily haunted or are they? They aren’t necessarily haunted, though they can be. Houses take on the energy of their owners, good and bad. Yes, and places of crisis build charge faster than places of relative peace. This is why spiritual rituals were originally performed, to speed up the charge time of a…
Permanent Fingerprint on Reality
Let’s bring it a bit more down to earth. Perhaps a metaphor from physics to explain the science behind this stuff on Dark Relics. Even hard line materialist science requires that one thing remain consistent, and that one thing is information cannot be lost. Distinctions between observable things must be conserved. They describe the medium…
Variety of Dark Relics
We can start with any of a variety of dark relics. Any preferences? Castles? Ah, castles. Very interesting relics often having the touch of some of the darker pagan practices included in their very construction. Two issues tend to darken a castle, actually three. First is they arose from a militant era. They only existed…
Everything has Memory
Perhaps the heart of today’s topic of Dark Relics can be summed up with a phrase, “A place for everything, and everything in its place.” The world itself and the things in it have memory. Even much of science implies this even if they don’t fully endorse it. Houses, cars, landmarks, many things we don’t…
Our Genetic Makeup is Memory
I am just wondering about how intent and willpower could affect physical change on the genetic level? Good question. How can you arrive at an intent? Can you intend to do something that has nothing to do with reality? Every bit of language, every bit of visual symbolism, every memory trace is shaped by reality,…
Different Patterns of Connection to Animals
To get down to the practical point of tonight’s topic of Animal Paths… Though we all contain the potential for any animal consciousness, like our neurons wiring together in different ways, we have a different pattern of connection to other animals. Some are stronger than others. I once had a dream that I was walking…
Shift in the Sense of Self
When I fall off to sleep sometimes, I will see an item like a horse or house, etc. I see it normal size then it will shrink till it’s micro size, but I can still see it. Then it will grow in size till it is so huge it over takes all sight. Does that…
Animal Consciousness in Us
If a person doesn’t dream, what does that mean? Everyone dreams, but there are states of consciousness more removed from waking process than we normally think of. So the person may be going into a deeper state of consciousness? The deeper you go into consciousness, the further away you get from something that would make…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…