Live for Love
We all have things we are grateful for naturally, without anyone telling us we have to be. Gratitude has nothing to do with owing anybody anything. Gratitude that is obligatory is a hideous lie. Obligatory gratitude is actually shame. Shame on you for needing love. Shame on you for demanding respect. I have no use…
Ground in Gratitude
For most, just the fact of being alive (I mean bottom line still breathing) has intrinsic worth. Shall we run with this assumption? Anyone here want to die? I certainly don’t. So I will run with this. Because we don’t want to die, certain additional activities also have intrinsic worth. Eating, sleeping, breathing, but we…
Sense of Worth
Where do we lose our sense of intrinsic worth? And why do we? How did we come to orient on utility? Why did we come to care about what use a thing is? About what use a person is? I think we start to care about utility when we are doing without. Capitalism is all…
Infant Values
To tie this back to intrinsic worth, what is the very first thing an infant values? Food? Affection? Touch. Milk. Physical security. Nothing abstract like that. That’s adult thinking. They value the experience of mother. They can’t identify anything from a utilitarian sense. They don’t know the purpose of a single thing and can see…
On Guard
Why do so many people seem to have difficulty feeling their lives have value? Because they allow other people to determine their value. No direct line of sight to its impact? Does everyone here feel easily and fully that their life is valuable? Important and meaningful? I used to. Not easily and fully, no. I…
Real Life Motivation
Science has been making some amazing progress in understanding the human brain and the experience it provides us. What could be called our mind. One of the things that science understands, but society is not yet implementing, is the nature of motivation. ‘Do this to get that’ is not effective in the majority of cases,…
Difficult Truth
We dwell in a false holy, and this was used as a method of self preservation whenever a spiritual path sought to survive in the face of violent public opposition. They would erect a decoy temple that could be freely sacked so that their genuine sacred space would remain inviolate, but for those who understood,…
You Believe Things
It’s been said that we can’t solve a problem in the same state of mind we become aware of it in. Recent science is even backing this up. The way we normally think about things, we just practice and reinforce the problems that set us off in the first place. We welcome the vandals of…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…