Freeze Frame Reality
So yes, the numbers and math, the grids and abstract lines… These are the rounding element of any talisman. Even something as simple as making certain the lines of text are straight fulfills this element. The symbols and words on a talisman would correspond to the horizon. They form a sort of map of the…
Hawaiian Nine & Lono
We [native Hawaiian] have a counting system based on 4, however we also interlace it with the number 5. They yield a 9. That gets spooooooky. Nine is the final number. May I tell you how ours becomes a nine? Hold up your hand, stretch the fingers apart a bit. How many empty spaces between…
Geomantic Balance
Talismans. The word itself seems kind of intimidating, no? Yes, a bit. Powerful. Sounds like antiquity. And yet, they are perhaps one of the most basic tools of magical practice the world over. It can be hard to even track the variety of talismans there are. Typically, people think of some sort of pendant or…
No One Has Done Anything
I am innocent, I tell ya. Innocent. I didn’t do it. Actually, that’s an interesting point. What if I said that no one has ever done anything? What would that mean? We’re all innocent. Everything that everyone has ever done is only interpreted by other people. To one person what you did helped, to another…
Stop Wanting to Fix Things
How much do most people do just because they like or love it? If they only like doing it, why don’t they love it? Because some things to do are more likeable than others? Oh, indeed. I like to do the dishes. Sorry, not in love with that. I wouldn’t try to claim that everyone…
Shrug Off the Burden of Guilt
How do we shrug off the burden of guilt? This is the binding that warps and twists our spiritual trees. The people of India have an ancient saying, “The slayer who thinks he slays is slain.” Some cultures have this burden of guilt, some others have a burden of shame. Same poison either way though. Oh gosh…
Matter of Life or Death: Hawaiian Legend
There is a [Hawaiian] legend about a teacher. So powerful she had power over life and death of her students. Her helper was a lizard. Both could change shapes and sizes. A lesson of that legend is what you teach the young is of such importance it is a matter of life or death. Ah…
Accepting the Necessary
We went on an expedition to find an old temple, lost in jungle and bushes, etc. I was disabled, unable to move as fast as the rest. The leader, kumu, did not let the class go any faster than I could. There was a lesson in this. Instead, when I took hiking breaks, she had…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…