Sage And Wise
Shall we discuss Bard magick? It might help to start with some background on the school of thought known today as wizardry. It had an older name, but I am awkward with ancient tongues so I will just stick with what we all know. The ancient Wizards were the sages and wise men and women…
Liberation Begins Life
What is the “norm”? The norm is the fringe. The norm is to be a non-being. Those who are closer to the heart of the collective mind only care as far as they can make the puppets dance. They know all about human nature, and very few of them have any more real courage than…
Where Is Your Soul?
We all, in the name of normality, seek to identify with everyone else, literally everyone else. The subconscious mind doesn’t make any distinctions. So you are Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, George W. Bush, Bill Gates, the Ayatollah of Iran, the leaders of every terrorist sect. You don’t have to choose to be these things. When…
Experience Of Self
I don’t know about you my friends, but my life was almost entirely dominated by a concern over habits. Make a habit, break a habit, but never ignore habit. I say habit is not a definition of wholeness. It’s a vestigial relic of an antiquated consciousness that is being exploited to control us. We have…
Potential For Vibrant Life
What there is on the outside of habit is stress. Stress has two components, but in general the human species avoids both. There is the positive stress of an accomplishment of novel thought or action. This is called eustress, and can at least for a time break us free of our habit circuits though we…
Creatures Of Habit
We are talking about habit. It’s said that humans are creatures of habit, but why is this? There must be some evolutionary advantage? Our bodies and minds have evolved to prefer habit. It’s how we have come to know that everything in our world is ok, even if we aren’t happy with it. Habit is energy…
Human Rhythms
On habit, shall we move into the middle ground? I will continue to speak from my experience for a while. I have in my life to date asked for feedback regarding the rules other people live by. Sometimes with idle curiosity. Sometimes with impassioned and highly invested interest as the nature of my relationships with…
Habit State Of Mind
Habit is a very subtle phenomenon, so I will use my experience for a contrast. The body mind of a normal human being prefers minimal energy expenditure for a set reward. It doesn’t like to do more than it has to to meet any of its needs, and the normal body mind has its sense…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…