Where Is The Problem?
We all will have a focus, but how do we know we are focused? How do we even know what focus is? If you conform to a standard you’re kind of being controlled by the creators of that standard instead of flowing with your own nature. Very true. We say we have a focus if…
Choice Of Focus
I will make a challenging statement, and my intention is not to offend. You don’t see what is there, no one does. Whenever you see anything, you see only the part of you that is there. The quality of your attention or judgement. Inside is a reflection of the outside? Yes, exactly. I think that’s…
Renewed Focus
Focus is seen as very important. People will do a lot to gain and keep focus and at the same time also undermine focus. Seems like a very in and out thing, does it not? Is it that focus is innately unstable, or is it our focusing behaviour that does this to us? Our tolerance…
Hell is other people. Jean-Paul Sartre Why People Are Like That Today: Hell is repetition and peoples behaviour is repetitive. Doubt is the tough guys fear and everybody is so engaged in one-upmanship that very few stop and breath long enough to recognize that more likely than not, we have all been here before and…
Rational Focus
Rationalism. “Be rational.” Don’t allow things to have more than minimal meaning. That is the essence of rationalism. You have to be sparse with meaning. This is why an artist is supposedly irrational. They can see a lot of meaning in an apple, say, and most other people just sort of dismiss that with an…
Focus Challenge
I will describe how my life gets, because I am focus challenged. I wake in the morning and whatever I was dreaming is still quite active in what they call my “working memory.” The mood or imagery or conversation is in my head and won’t leave despite my maybe needing it to. I walk out…
Reality Is Focus
Your center is a place. Center is a noun. Focus is an action, or body of actions, and well… Your focus literally is your reality. Everything that has your attention is part of your focus, and you have a focus whether you have knowingly chosen it or not. You cannot avoid having a focus, because…
One World
I have found I observe something about people that most people just think is weird. People get seriously hung up on ethnic groups and literal blood lines. But I have seen for a long time that despite superficial differences, there does seem to be only a limited number of types of people, and ethnicity has…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…