Deliberate Moments
One of the best things about reality is that it’s meaningless, and it has no meaning until we assign it one? Drift is meaningless, but the decisive moment that seems so chaotic and unreal… in that there is meaning. The Heyoka would not usually engage in things that actually hurt them, but they would deliberately…
Deliberate Creation
On the topic of the deliberately created moment, as I said earlier, you don’t have wisdom, wisdom has you. When you realize this, you realize how those insight moments arise, and can deliberately change not the world … but yourself. “e homai ka ‘ike mai luna mai e” That is a line to call for…
Window Rituals
People drift in the illusion of stable routine, but they aren’t entirely aimless. We all have those pivotal moments that sling shot us off in some direction before we settle into drift. But these moments, for most people, are “accidents”, and thus they feel no sense of fulfillment. Geniuses learn to make those sling shot…
Routine Is Delusion
Do you feel your life is stable? Is it largely the same on a daily basis? Why do you think so? Habits can be routine. Stable life, daily basis. For one thing, I do wake up almost as intact as I went to sleep, and I am lulled into believing all is the same. Breakfast,…
You Get What You Want
Spiritual movements often disempower people. This whole thing about “Your ego makes you suffer. Don’t be who you think you are and you can be happy. It’s the “only way”.” In my experience, it isn’t that people are egotistical that’s the problem. They aren’t aware of it enough. Happiness comes from gratitude? Happiness does come…
I sometimes think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability. Oscar Wilde Why People Are Like That Today: The world has no unified will. I, for the most part, am grateful it does not. Man is very often a willfully misguided creature. They imagine there is some grandious supreme human intelligence floating in…
Lived Values
Choose wisely what you focus. Where we were mistaken before in our choices was in identification. Believing that causes in our lives are “out there.” Subscribing to the delusion that there can be any such thing as external causes. Law of manifestation. Be careful what you wish for (or rather focus on) you might just…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…