Category: Resilience

Process Of Bouncing Back


Today, we are going to talk about resilience. You can’t talk about resilience though, friends, without talking about why the topic matters.

Why resilience is important is something we all have a relationship to. Stress, darkness, delusion, call it what you will, this affects us all. So we all suffer both psychologically and physically. Each at turns and often simultaneously as well. So why is it we ever feel comfortable or confident again after that?

A new perspective kicks in? In a sense, yes. Though perhaps rather it’s an older one. The first and primary one. The reason people so often say that “life goes on”.

We recover. We heal. Yes. They say hope springs eternal, though it looks like there is no rational reason why.

The reason we were born in the first place arises again? Indeed. Just as our bodies take form and reform throughout our lives, our minds do the same taking in new life as older energy moves on. But we don’t all bounce back very well, do we?

There is no rational reason why traumatic events haunt us either, is there? Ultimately, that’s true. In fact, rational thought can get you into a very deep delusional hole. We worsen this process with a lot of the popular beliefs that are going around about how to deal with life’s troubles, turmoil’s … evils.

We tend to hold onto the thought of it when the rest of us is ready to let go. Somehow deluded into thinking that this is honourable or moral. That’s very common, yes. But the flip side is that some people just can’t feel right again quite so quickly as other people do. Recent research actually suggests that there are a variety of physical and genetic factors related to this, as well as psychological. The person who doesn’t bounce back as quickly as others isn’t foolish or possessed of any other character defect necessarily. They may not be able to help it as easily as other people.

As I referenced the recent research earlier, the ratio of resilient versus non-resilient people is about 80 percent versus 20 percent. Sounds good, right? Most people being able to bounce back easily? Well, what they have also discovered is that being disciplined and rational, being analytical regarding the emotionally hurtful event, actually makes people do worse.

They stop the processing and it gets buried, stuck? Yes. The average person instinctively resorts to attitudes that would seem narcissistic and delusional at any other time, but they are actually necessary for the process of release.

Does it go with the grieving process? Everyone goes through it in their own time. There isn’t really a wrong way? That’s true, but the process isn’t really systematic and some people may actually need to skip stages of it for their personal functioning.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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