Category: Play

Real Life Addicts


There is an addictive quality to games to get that next achievement. People experience that in real life with promotions, new possessions, etc. Most people are “real life” addicts. There is a large movement now with some very significant findings behind it toward using virtual simulations to train people in flexible thinking and to control anxiety. Simulation being mostly the virtual world of Second Life right now. Many aspects of real life go unseen and remain abstract in real life experience, and are screened out or expressed in an overt way in Second Life. It is my primary reason for a marked interest in role playing games.

To examine those screened out elements? Examine the emphasized elements. Most people select for expression of actions and ideas much like they selected for genetic traits, not really in a deliberate way.

In the way parodies highlight truths? Yes. Art imitating life. Even when someone creates a character that they are not (supposedly at least), it reveals more about them by way of elimination. The deliberate definition of the character as being the opposite of who they are, or being in no way connected to who they are.

You can see the various personality profiles in the game characters. In a way, it’s like trying on different Myers Briggs types. Indeed it is, but it is present in even more abstract forms. Any gaming preference like having a preference for the black side of a chess board or the white, and we all discover and develop gaming preferences. I would ask, how does this differ from real world life style choices or behavioural preferences?

Like preferring hand to hand combat in World of Warcraft. If they run away, I have no idea what to do with them. You have a very fact oriented view of the world, and an overt manner of self expression.

Tell me something about a game you like and what part you prefer, and I can tell you something about yourself. This applies to any game. Jump-rope. Did you like to turn the rope or jump it? That says a great deal about you. Jacks. Did the color of the ball matter? That also says something about you. The list goes on and on. Games are as old as humanity itself, and what were we doing when we founded our cultures and societies other than choosing what were thought to be positive or useful games? We even train our soldiers with war games. Those are very serious.

I liked to jump in. I would agree to turn the rope, but wouldn’t take a turn at jumping it.

I never liked board games or cards very much. I liked playing let’s pretend as a child. Ah, so if a general name for that class of games helps at all, that’s called role playing. Modern role playing games are just systems that allow a bedrock framework for that sort of activity. A default agreement about what’s real in the game.

But I only like role playing if it’s organic. I don’t like following a storyline. Freedom of choice. That’s a vital element. We demand freedom of choice in games, or else we will refuse to play. Have you done this in your life? If not, why not?

There is even a whole branch of psychology based on game logic and structure. They use it for psycho-analysis. You may have even read one of the books, titled “Games People Play“. There have been others.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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