Category: Resistance

Resistance: Essence and Form


About changing essential nature… I can turn water into vapour. It’s in waters nature to become vapour. You interact with it, but you don’t change its nature. The sun makes it vapour also. It is a part of what we consider “unseen” but it is very much the essence. It’s spirit.

The sun also turns oceans water into salt. Isn’t change a big part of nature? It separates an essence from an essence, but change is in form not essence. Love is an essence. We love many, and who we show love to may change or not as we choose. Freedom is an essence also, and these essences don’t change even if forms do.

“Pure” love and freedom is essence. Spirit in the alchemical sense. Not the relative love of the mind. The relative love of the mind is just form, and form is broken down all the time. This is described in physics. Energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only be converted. The life energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it gets converted a lot. It’s what the alchemists referred to as the prima material, the first matter. All other forms really stem from it. We have such power. If we own it, if we see it, if we live in our natures rather than in resistance to our essence or form.

I tend to relate to people unusually. I am considered “autistic” so sensory experience is sort of abstract for me. My instincts don’t work like they’re “supposed” to and therefore I relate to forms differently. My instincts don’t inform me that some things are pleasant and some not. I have learned some of that. Was conditioned on other parts, but it doesn’t come naturally. And I think that perhaps I am not so strange. I have heard many stories of rapture with a form turning terribly bitter. Usually comes with limitations. The idea that that form is superior and shouldn’t be allowed to change. Doesn’t that seem a bit crazy?

The beginners mind of Zen. It’s a good place to be, and it is a way of living without limits, without resistance. Children, infants even, really resist nothing, and if you think about it they accomplish amazing things. Things that as adults, if for some reason we have to relearn, turn out to be agonizingly difficult.

We call ourselves mature because we have crystallized. We have found “who we are”. I really question that. Resistance is stasis. What you resist you anchor yourself to. It prevents the essences from flowing in your life. Essence has a physical parallel. We call it blood. What happens when it won’t flow?

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive


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