Category: Desire

We are being built of desire. All life has desire. Desires are more elaborate needs. What gives rise to desire is the very real, primal, even visceral need for growth. You aren’t in control.

The subconscious knows only need, and it prioritizes needs. Your conscious mind experiences desire in a sort of second hand fashion. It has really only one desire of its own, make sense of incoming sensations. Your conscious mind actually knows nothing. The subconscious knows everything you know. It has the root code for it all. Your reality is real to the degree that it stabilizes the subconscious mind, centers your consciousness.

“Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.” Lawrence Block

“In my experience, there is only one motivation, and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it.” Jane Smiley

  • Need vs. Want

    Need vs. Want

    It’s a strange phrase, need versus want, as if there were two competing teams, and it’s a wide spread concern especially among those less well-off which is most of us. I will ask, what do you feel is the difference between need and want? The amount of distress caused by not having it? Needs are…

  • Being Built of Desire

    Being Built of Desire

    Life without motivation, could we call it life? Even bacteria have a raw will to live. Lack of motivation is pretty much the definition of dead I’d say. We have motivation even when we don’t experience “motivation” on a conscious level. This is why we experience things like hunger and thirst. We don’t have to mentally…

  • You Aren’t in Control

    You Aren’t in Control

    Your inner consciousness, your subconscious mind, cannot make distinctions between concepts of want and need. If a feeling moves you, especially if it disturbs you, it’s just a need. The only difference it knows is urgency. Now here is something that may surprise you. Do you feel you are in control of pursuing your desires?…

  • Subconscious Knows Everything

    Subconscious Knows Everything

    Your subconscious forms the patterns that prioritize one desire over another, and your subconscious prioritizes internal disturbance over external stimulation. Anything that registers as illness or toxin gets higher priority than say something like bright light or heat. The distress caused by stress hormones is not differentiated from the distress caused by pathogens so your…

  • Fake an Event

    Fake an Event

    When you think in the normal way, you aren’t actually computing. You are being computed. The subconscious mind is generating the same old software loops, but you can consciously direct your conscious mind. You can “fake” an event. Your subconscious mind will only disbelieve messages from the conscious mind if they directly contradict instinct. It…

  • Gain Control of Desire and Thought

    Gain Control of Desire and Thought

    People are not conscious of their conscious minds. Their conscious minds move like a restless sleeper in bed, and their conscious thought really in no functional way differs from dream. Different medium, same content. Where one can gain control of desire and thought is in the understanding of what thought is, imagination. You live in…

  • Desire and Intention

    Desire and Intention

    I need to start with questions so we can begin with an agreement of terms. This is necessary to have a fruitful talk of this sort on desire and intention. So to start with, what is desire? Being drawn to something. Something you feel that you want or need. And what is intention? A goal…

  • Stolen Intentions

    Stolen Intentions

    What we have by default is a set of desires. Our desires are innate traits, flesh and blood rules of survival and well being. I think we established earlier that we have these innately, yes? That we don’t have to learn or consciously choose these? We do indeed want to live. What we lack is…

  • Need to Do

    Need to Do

    So how do I desire to do the things I need to do? Then another necessary question, does intention matter? It does if you don’t want bad things to happen… have to brush your teeth or they will fall out regardless if you want to do it. In answer to that question, I must ask…

  • Reclaiming Personal Intention

    Reclaiming Personal Intention

    So even just based on this talk, it seems to illustrate how challenging reclaiming personal intention would be for us even as small groups let alone world wide. Does it not? Yes. I find myself at a loss. Why does the idea seem so unimaginable? Perhaps an example to illustrate the question. If I try…

  • Spirit of Role Play

    Spirit of Role Play

    I think some Role Play communities provide a framework that allow people to get what they need from it. Ideally, they should. That is the spirit of role playing and role playing games. Those that don’t allow that quickly die out. Role playing is an example of intention coupled with desire. The assumed purpose of…

  • Huge Psychotic Delusion

    Huge Psychotic Delusion

    We need other people to feel fulfilled in life. What we actually need is something that other people can give us and aren’t yet. This is why there is so much noise in social interaction, so much tension and drama. We instinctively realize this stuff isn’t real so we pressure each other. We are like…