All About Belief
Most people keep frustration at a distance in their awareness. They just try to deny the feeling and function anyway. Anyone care to tell me how well this works? It builds. Yes, because the state is very real and sort of like fragmentation on a hard drive it can have a cumulative effect. Not well…
Our Decision
We can see very deeply the qualities in the world, but that’s not where our decision resides. Our decision is “How do I live with this situation?” Is there any other decision really? Is there any decision you could make that has any other meaning? We resist a situation when we believe we cannot live…
What is Frustration?
I will try to be patient with the topic. 🙂 The topic is frustration, and it’s a condition that people tend to trip over a lot. People generally see frustration as something caused from “out there”, but can anyone tell me what out there is of its own nature frustrating? Seriously though, can anyone name even…
The World Receives
I know someone who agreed to live in a place that is killing her to get a job. Her health has declined horribly. Is she frustrated, and if so how would it be about the environment? In order for her to earn a living, she has to be subjected to harm? This is her belief,…
Take This Life
How to reconcile interpersonal frustrations? How do we live with a world that still believes in frustration? Any ideas? Communication. Meaningful communication. Yes, and there are many levels of that, but what are we going to communicate of meaning? Our actions / reactions in relationship. You can talk until you’re ‘blue in the face’ to…