Category: Cognitive Analysis and Materialism

Your brain takes on the configuration your experiences induce in it. What you experience, actively imagine and habitually think, is the shape your brain takes.

The consensus is a useful dream, but the brain wants to be awake. The idea is not to just get a new dream, but to get a handle on the entire dreaming process. Memories have the traces of your waking state of focus. That focus is yours to assign and reassign as you choose, and you can choose to dream again what you remember, but dream it differently.

  • We Are Mutable

    We Are Mutable

    There is a lot of enthusiasm over the recent findings of neuroscience and its specialty known as social neuroscience which focuses on trying to understand social reactions through the neuroscience methodology. The idea is that everything you experience arises out of an identifiable process of the brain. Now the formation and behavior of the human…

  • Two Way Flow of Information

    Two Way Flow of Information

    Shall we go into neuroplasticity? Your brain takes on the configuration your experiences induce in it. What you experience, actively imagine and habitually think, is the shape your brain takes. So add this mutable brain to the rather wide range of chemical shifts a person can experience, and is it easy to say exactly who…

  • Novelty Seeking Creatures

    Novelty Seeking Creatures

    Now the brain under analysis… They seek to understand the “mind” by watching the brain function. There are some easily traced circuits in the human brain – those connecting our eyes and other sense to our brain – and so you can clearly identify that when the eye is stimulated a specific part of the…

  • Ignorance is Sleep

    Ignorance is Sleep

    The brain can read more in its own make-up than science is giving it credit for. It seeks more than just to be content with a social paradigm, a consistent consensus reality, and it moves us sometimes not just to learn something new, but to reconnect with the original drive that brought it into its…

  • How to Control

    How to Control

    So how to control rather than be controlled? It’s a simple matter of context and again would seem crazy until you practice it. It involves interrupting your internal dialogue, not just the words in your head, but the entire pattern of visual search, internal narrative, the whole mess, and how you do that is either…

  • Running Fantasy

    Running Fantasy

    I read an article yesterday that mentioned they’re studying the effects of product labels on people’s brains using fMRI. I’ve been wondering why so many labels are changing lately and that explains it. Yes, they are trying to brain hack you that way, like the pet toy my wife bought our cat. It has been…

  • Hack The Social Persona

    Hack The Social Persona

    I’m comfortable I can hack their hack. Yes, you can. You can even hack people’s social persona. For me, someone who is aggressive usually appears to have an enlarged and twitchy eye, and based on which eye it is I can even tell what the nature of their aggression would be. It’s just an “illusion”…

  • Dream it Differently

    Dream it Differently

    So perhaps a thought in parting… Your habitual dream now, that thing they would detect as they watched the patterns that show up in an fMRI while you look at stimuli, does it put you fully in touch with reality? Is it as useful as you might need it to be? It’s more of a…

  • Enjoy the Simulator

    Enjoy the Simulator

    Are we talking about differing “states” of mind? Or are we talking about different “styles” of thought? Or any, or all of the above? Or are we talking about mechanical/neural processes? We are talking about something people don’t normally talk about, the “self” behind states of mind. This self can function within the environment of…