Sense of Place
The topic is sense of place and I don’t mean societal role but more of how where you are is a part of who you are, or rather who you see yourself to be. A lot of what you think as true of you applies also to what you think is true of where you…
Our Connection to Place
If we saw our own connection to our place, even as we move from place to place in a solidly experiential way, that might change things. Realizing that everything is you and you are everything. Part of sense of place is that realization. You can’t say self knowledge is complete without it, and the relationship…
Spirit of Place
There is spirit everywhere. Spirit is being. If it exists, there is spirit behind it. If it has action, there is spirit behind that behaviour. Each eco-system has its own spirit. Individual sections of an eco-system can have recognizable spirits separate from the larger. I don’t believe in good and bad spirit. Just harmonious state…
Way of Death
There is a way of death. There is a way of being out of harmony with death. In this ‘now’, man has forgotten this way. Fear of death is not the way of death. In my own spirituality, the way of death is a cornerstone. Only new cycles. The left hand path of the cycle,…
Plant Flowers
Is illusion without value? Or is all value illusion? And ultimately does this question even matter? Maybe it’s a huge illusion? What matters is you and how you see an illusion. You create the questions on what is illusion and what isn’t. This goes into a personal, individual level and brings you back out again.…