Skeleton Of Human Awareness
We are discussing the crown chakra. In the crown, we have the collection of all other functions of human consciousness. It all comes together and projects outward to form our awareness from that point. But the crown chakra is also receptive. It receives input from all of the lower centers as well as input from…
Twilight State
Does the pineal gland have to do with the dream state? It does, yes, as it has a great deal to do with the inner cycle of the nervous system, and is influenced by external light stimulation as well. It has a nerve center around it that is structured much like the eye. What are…
Full Immersion Training
We shall now go into what many consider to be a taboo topic. Those who know me well know I always go there. The teachings of tantra are considered rather radical to many points of view, but they focus on a process that leads ultimately to integration, though perhaps it does work best with the…
Universe Within
With the activation of the kundalini signal throughout the nervous system, after we work our way through all the contradictions that are embedded in our conscious and sensory minds (The sensory mind being subconscious – You cannot think a sight. You can only think about something you saw), at the point the signal reaches the…