Tag: charity

  • Charity Starts At Home

    Charity Starts At Home

    Have you, my friends, ever rejected something you were offered? Yes, but only if I truly did not want what was offered. I’ve rejected many small things. Why did you ultimately choose to reject these things or favours? Because possessing this thing was wrong to me, inappropriate. Some things I’ve rejected because I felt the…

  • Charity From The Heart

    Charity From The Heart

    I don’t recall the exact system of belief, but there is a school of mysticism that says we don’t have a single soul, but instead we have three. An angel, a demon, and a human, and all three are our own souls. Do they match up with the three brains? They do indeed. The demon…

  • Notion Of Charity

    Notion Of Charity

    What are your thoughts on charity? Fear prevents it. The notion of lack. That it’s possible to lose what we have. This is true. How did one come to see themselves as having gained something? The much acclaimed standard of living. What is that based on? Various measures of material goods? Material goods exist. Are people…

  • Why Do You Practice Charity?

    Why Do You Practice Charity?

    Why do you practice charity? Compassion. I somehow image their pain. Charity, perhaps in its most fundamental form, is willingness. Whatever life presents to you, whomever you come into contact with and how they engage you, you respond with a willingness to allow that thing to be the truth. I feel people should be able…

  • Charity Or Tyranny

    Charity Or Tyranny

    Could charity and peace be the same thing? Is charity giving someone what they want? You can’t say what someone else needs, so maybe yes. It’s letting them have what they want. Oh yes, charity is letting them have what they want, which requires letting yourself have what you want which is peace in those…