Tag: creatures

  • Creatures of Myth

    Creatures of Myth

    It’s often said of past cultures and their practices that we are more enlightened than they were, but I offer that we aren’t any more enlightened. We’re just further down the road. Many of our modern creeds, value systems, and even world views are actually of very old origin. One such practice (and its actual…

  • Creatures of Appetites

    Creatures of Appetites

    Greed and generosity are pretty central “moral” issues in many peoples live. We are naturally motivated creatures, and greed and generosity are two sides of the same coin. One can be greedy for opportunities to be generous even, so first let’s focus on greed. We are creatures of appetites, and this is abundantly evident. The…

  • Curious Creatures

    Curious Creatures

    What is the consequence of refusing curiosity? Has anyone had a positive experience because they refused to give place to curiosity? Compulsion is not related to curiosity, and people very often have negative consequences when locked into compulsive behaviour. I don’t think I have the ability to not give in to my need to explore.…

  • Creatures Of Habit

    Creatures Of Habit

    We are talking about habit. It’s said that humans are creatures of habit, but why is this? There must be some evolutionary advantage? Our bodies and minds have evolved to prefer habit. It’s how we have come to know that everything in our world is ok, even if we aren’t happy with it. Habit is energy…

  • Strange Creatures

    Strange Creatures

    Shall we discuss the actual creatures people report seeing? Any particular strange creatures of interest? Otherwise, I can do a short inventory. There are creatures of the Loch Ness variety around the globe and I think Sasquatch is interesting. Well, the earth itself is more than three dimensional. What we think of as time is…

  • Fey Creatures Of Earth

    Fey Creatures Of Earth

    Dark Fey are of middle earth. Are they symbiotic with the underworld and celestial realms? They don’t go to the underworld or celestial realms. They are ageless, but they do die. Their passing is just not a function of time. They aren’t enemies of the celestial or underworld either, but they are creatures of the…

  • Novelty Seeking Creatures

    Novelty Seeking Creatures

    Now the brain under analysis… They seek to understand the “mind” by watching the brain function. There are some easily traced circuits in the human brain – those connecting our eyes and other sense to our brain – and so you can clearly identify that when the eye is stimulated a specific part of the…