Tag: emotional

  • Emotional Distortion

    Emotional Distortion

    Can emotion be linked to our instincts or vice versa? Oh, indeed. It can be linked to that, but on to the confusion before we get to the clarity. The information, the light that allows us to see, the chemicals that let us smell and taste, the vibratory behaviour of matter that lets us touch…

  • Emotional Storm

    Emotional Storm

    Stillness is readily available. Any energy someone has to yell at you they gain from stillness, and that energy they are using to yell at you will be spent. Inevitably expended and force our minds back to stillness. But if you add your energy to theirs, can that quiet space arise? Someone yells at you…

  • My Emotional Transition

    My Emotional Transition

    Ever hear of imposter syndrome? The person trains themselves so well in keeping up with expectations that no one in their social group can find any fault, but they themselves even come to the point of having anxiety attacks because they feel they are faking it. That they are lying to everyone. What makes us…

  • How Was Your Emotional Transition?

    How Was Your Emotional Transition?

    Anyone else want to share an example? Does this model not relate to your own experience? And if not, in what way does it fall short? For me dream = model. It’s why you dream anyway. It is virtually identical to mine. Can I take a stab at how yours differed? Except that I was…

  • My Emotional Life

    My Emotional Life

    So any question about status and transition? Transitions in status? My own personal challenge is coming to rest, allowing recovery of my own inner resources. I am sort of spiritually hyper-kinetic, a long habit of running from myself, specifically that part of myself that people have in the past found the most alienating. I learned…