Tag: exchange

  • Exchange


    I’ve noticed that whenever I need to get something done, I always feel I need to clean up my desk and then end up not getting the other thing done. Does that have anything to do with Dead Spots and Necromancy? It does indeed. We’ll explore your example. When you go about any task, realize…

  • Equivalent Exchange

    Equivalent Exchange

    You are bound by everything that you would choose to grasp. You are contained by everything that you contain. You are owned by that which you own. Reality isn’t broken in truth. Reality isn’t actually breakable. What is true is people fail to see things from the perspective of the soul, and therefore operate without…

  • The Exchange

    The Exchange

    Humanity doesn’t see clearly into the, let’s say, hyperspace between dimensions. So images do get projected onto our mental screens and they have a low degree of resolution. Sort of like the scenes from the movie The Sixth Sense, people see horrible things because their instinct twists the image and distorts what they are actually…

  • Find Your Way In The Exchange

    Find Your Way In The Exchange

    Our region of the exchange is much like our internet, but before modern society it was broken. It’s not whole now, but we have made great strides in understanding. And if we lose our passion, our flesh wilts as well. Very true. The secret is not purification, that throws the baby out with the bath water.…

  • Grand Array of Energy Exchange

    Grand Array of Energy Exchange

    When the light of the psyche is focused intensely, its affect on the mind is to wear down its structure. When the light of the psyche is split completely, it shunts away all “heat” or life energy causing a stagnation in its structure leading to the accumulation of structural flaws. A crystal needs heat to…