Tag: ground

  • Common Ground

    Common Ground

    Let’s get a bit more personal. I’m in a relationship. The Native Americans respected the creatures they hunt, but they still ate them. If in my relationship I were not willing to in a sense “eat her” and respect what she does and can give me, how healthy would our relationship be? There would be…

  • Recognition Of Common Ground

    Recognition Of Common Ground

    Tolerance is a hot button topic, and my track record with those is touch and go, so I apologize in advance if I offend. Tolerance to my view is not some touchy, feely, love everybody practice. I think that’s why, despite all the popular rhetoric about tolerance, we actually have very little of it. Of…

  • The Ground You Stand On

    The Ground You Stand On

    Today, I thought we would talk about grounding as knowing the ground you stand on both metaphorically and literally. People do claim they know where they are at and where they are going. On what do they base these claims? Seeing what they have and knowing what they want? What they have is ash, and…

  • Start At Common Ground

    Start At Common Ground

    The pathworking traditions each have a set of teachings. They all serve a similar purpose to help you connect with deeper things while you are in your normal daily state of mind. This is why they seem like a mix of cosmology and mythology. In Tibetan Buddhism, they have a huge collection of Buddha’s each…

  • Stand Your Ground

    Stand Your Ground

    Simple question. If you had the power, what would you do to create world peace? Could there be world peace without conflict? Could there be world conflict without peace? A deadly pandemic would create world peace. Well, at one time humanity was indeed much less populous, and conflict like we know today did not exist. Tribes…

  • What Common Ground?

    What Common Ground?

    Perhaps an experiential example… They have tested this under functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). They have deliberately set up a pattern recognition test. In the test they set up a group to participate in the testing, but only one is a test subject. The rest are knowing controls. While under FMRI, they flash a set…

  • Common Ground in Perception

    Common Ground in Perception

    Would my self-identification be welcome? I am one of those action oriented types. My developmental disorder has created conditions that denied “stability” from day one. Most who fall into my medical category actually shut down completely. It isn’t catatonia. They have an “allergy” to any sensory impression, everything is pain, and everything is too much…

  • Beings at Ground Zero

    Beings at Ground Zero

    Take every inhabitable planet and fold them all up inside each other, yet order them in such a way that each region still remains mutually exclusive. That’s the structure of the web I spoke of. It really is like looking at a complex array or fun house mirrors, but none reflecting the object in any…

  • Ground in Gratitude

    Ground in Gratitude

    For most, just the fact of being alive (I mean bottom line still breathing) has intrinsic worth. Shall we run with this assumption? Anyone here want to die? I certainly don’t. So I will run with this. Because we don’t want to die, certain additional activities also have intrinsic worth. Eating, sleeping, breathing, but we…