Tag: omens

  • What are Omens?

    What are Omens?

    Omens are phenomenon that occur independently of any “practice” you might be involved in. They are like the little signs that occur before a quake or volcanic eruption or a violent storm, and this is part of how you can recognize an omen from an unrelated event. Because daily, you also move through events that have come…

  • Paranormal Dark Omens

    Paranormal Dark Omens

    As for more paranormal dark omens, there are multiple kingdoms of agents if you will. As I said earlier, an omen occurs when there is a response to your state of being by an active agent, and therefore, there are actually a wide range of possible spooky omens that could show up in your life.…

  • Omens and Agency

    Omens and Agency

    Perhaps a clarification of omens and agency. In the multiverse, there is no time as there is no such thing as gravity either, not even here. Gravity is just a by-product of the quantum behaviour of our level of existence. A form of noise being generated by our sphere. Part of the music of the…