Category: Demonolatry

Voice of Your Personal Demon


Have you ever had a problem occur where you totally respected how that event or circumstance was supposed to go? Has anything gone wrong when you made no effort to bend or steer how it was occurring? What happens when you just let yourself experience an event?

I have had things go wrong that I had no hand in. Then how did they happen to you?

Bad luck. Luck? Chance, whatever. Shit happens. Can you tell when you are having bad luck? Or when chance is shifting around you?

I sure can afterwards. You can never feel trouble coming?

Sometimes. Though sometimes that feeling is unwarranted. Do you believe it’s impossible to do so? Animals would seem to do it regularly.

That’s where your personal demon comes in. Does it ever feel like something is trying to overlay or interpret how you are perceiving something? Like you are having a heated argument and you are really very angry, but something in your head steps in and tries to talk you down?

Yes, sometimes. Seems almost completely foreign doesn’t it? Familiar but definitely not a part of your thinking or experience. You are as familiar with your guardian demon as you are your own shadow so it always feels familiar when it steps in. Do your feelings of trouble feel like those moments of strange reason?

Let’s say you are having a moment, and you are sure something you are invested in is just certain to go wrong, does that voice in your head register in the same way, have the same character, as the one that tries to talk you down from an angry rampage?


Ok, maybe another angle. Let’s visit the voice of temptation that talks you into spending money you know you really should keep, or saying something you feel will be amusing even though you really know it will cause hurt, and then compare that to the voice of doubt, that swears the thing you are so invested in is just certain to go wrong. Do those have anything in common?

Honestly, all the things you are referring to are so weak in me that I couldn’t put a personality to them. I don’t spend too much money, I don’t get talked down when I am angry, I don’t feel the threat of impending doom…at least not very strongly.

Ok, well, I will just jump to it then. The third voice would be neither of those.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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